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Civil-Revolutionary War Marching Drum & Drum Sticks

Civil-Revolutionary War Marching Drum & Drum Sticks

  • 4399

Only 6 left!

Authentic, distressed-looking Civil-Revolutionary War reproduction marching snare drum with genuine rawhide top and bottom drum head produces authentic sound of the era. Wooden drum head rims and rope keep heads tight. Two, 6-3/4" solid wood drum sticks included. Perfect size for kids, children reenactors, collectors, school and theatrical productions, film/video production and more! Please note: This is a reproduction item and not a modern day instrument. The drumheads are made of rawhide, not synthetic material, so heavy-handed use could cause the drumhead to puncture or split. • Authentic, distressed-looking Civil-Revolutionary War reproduction marching snare drum • Genuine rawhide top and bottom drum head produces authentic sound of the era • 19" cotton rope helps keep drum heads tight while functioning as a shoulder sling to use when marching. • 7-1/2" diameter by 4-1/2" deep; Wooden rims hold rawhide drum heads snug • Two solid wood 6-3/4" drum sticks included

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